A MAN has been jailed after having sex with a young girl, having lied to her about his age.

Luke Gillard, of Cornist Lane in Flint, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Wednesday.

The 20-year-old, who appeared via video from HMP Berwyn, had previously admitted two offences of penetrative sexual activity with a child and one of sexual activity with a child.

Anna Price, prosecuting, told the court Gillard's offending involved him having sex with, and sexually touching, a young girl - having known her age and lied about his own to make himself appear younger than he was.

When interviewed by the police, the defendant relied on a prepared statement in which he denied any sexual contact with the girl and stating he had autism and ADHD.

But he went on to admit the offences at his plea and trial preparation hearing.

In a statement read to the court, the victim said the offences had a big impact on her emotions and quality of life.

"Sometimes I'd blame myself for what happened," she said.

"It would keep me up at night."

Ryan Rothwell, defending, asked the court to give his client appropriate reductions in the sentence bearing in mind his relative youth.

He added: "Clearly, not only does he have psychiatric issues which are labelled, he lacks a significant amount of maturity.

"There are well-founded suspicions of autism and a diagnosis of ADHD."

He said there were concerns about his client's ability to cope in a custodial setting, adding: "It seems the pre-sentence report alludes to potential issues in that respect.

Luke Gillard (NWP)Luke Gillard (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)

"He's already received abuse in the prison.

"There has been a delay in bringing this matter to court and he had no convictions prior to these offences.

"He has written a letter in which he tried to express an acknowledgement of how [the victim] must feel and elaborates how sorry he is."


Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "You understand you're to be sentenced for extremely serious matters.

"It's a significant disparity in age - and you lied about your age, which underlines the fact you knew exactly what you were doing."

Judge Parry told the court that based on expert psychiatric reports, he did not feel the defendant's psychiatric issues had influenced his understanding of the illegality of his behaviour, and would have had a limited bearing on his decision-making.

As such, the Judge handed down an overall sentence of 27 months to be served immediately, in a young offenders' institute.

A restraining order and sexual harm prevention order were imposed for 10 years.

And Gillard was made subject to the notification requirements as a sex offender for the same period of time.

Judge Parry turned to the public gallery at the end, where the victim and her family were present, and stated: "Thank you for the dignity you have shown."