Meet the Author - David Ebsworth

Historical crime author David Ebsworth will be visiting Rhos, Gwersyllt and Cefn Mawr libraries during September. David's talk at Rhos Library is called Elihu Yale and His Wicked Wife, he will be talking about Murder & Mayhem at Gwersyllt Library and the theme of his talk at Cefn Mawr Library is We'll Always Have Paris. All events are free of charge and start at 2.15pm. Please contact the libraries directly to reserve your place. Contact details can be found at

Bicycle Watch Scheme at Cefn Mawr Library

Cefn Mawr Library has a new bike rack for visitors to store their bikes safely. To help promote the bike rack and bicycle safety and security (and road safety) Lara, the Police Community Support Officer for Cefn Mawr, will be promoting the Bicycle Watch Scheme at the library on Friday, August 30, from 11am-1pm. Registration for the scheme is free and you will also receive lots of advice from Lara.

'Unlimited Copies' titles from BorrowBox

Did you know Wrexham Libraries offer a service where you can download 10 eBooks and 10 eAudiobooks for free for 21 days via the BorrowBox App? Borrowing digital content has never been simpler, smarter or more convenient. BorrowBox digital content is available any time from work, home or anywhere 24/7. You can reserve or borrow up to 10 eAudiobooks and 10 eBooks at a time. This month's featured 'Unlimited Copies' titles include Fair Rosaline by Natasha Solomons, Death of an Outsider by M.C. Beaton, Mission Total Confidence by Ant Middleton, Namesake by Adrienne Young, Betrayal by Lesley Pearce, Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay and much more. To try one of these books or to choose any other e-book/e-audio books please visit and follow the online services link.

Crafty Corner at Wrexham Library

The next session of Crafty Corner at Wrexham Library will be on Friday, September 20, 2pm-3pm. During the session you will learn how to make beaded wind chimes. The session is free of charge but booking is essential. Contact the library 01978 292090 or

Back to school at Brynteg Library

The start of the new school term is exciting - with new subjects on offer and new friends to make! Some are starting school for the very first time. It might sound a little scary and daunting for your child, but this step up means new experiences and important developments. With all this in mind Brynteg Library have gathered together a collection of books for a range of ages. Some are gentle and reassuring, others offer a more practical approach of what children might expect when school begins. Whether your child is super excited, or a little nervous to begin a new class year, we have a great selection of books to help the transition.

Adolygiad Llyfr

Y Dylluan Wen gan Angharad Jones

Y Dylluan Wen by Angharad Jones

Y Dylluan Wen by Angharad Jones

Nofel yw hon am ferch sydd yn cyrraedd pentref o'r enw Llan yn ei chlogyn du ar ddiwrnod gwlyb. Daeth yno er mwyn hyfforddi'r ysgol gynradd leol i lwyfannu drama Blodeuwedd. Mae rhyw ddieithrwch rhyfedd yn ei chylch ond mae yna rywbeth cyfarwydd ynglŷn â hi hefyd. Yn wir, mae rhyw ddieithrwch yn nechrau'r nofel hon pan sylweddolwn mai un o'r cymeriadau ydy'r dylluan wen.

Mae'r gwrthgyferbyniad rhwng gwynder a düwch, rhwng diniweidrwydd a drygioni, yn brigo i'r wyneb yn aml yng nghorff y nofel. Mae'r plant yn wyliadwrus o Myfi, yn rhedeg oddi wrthi, ond mae'r hen Mrs Rowlands sydd yn gweithio yn y gegin yn synhwyro fod yna ryw gyfrinach ynghlwm wrth hon gyda'i llediaith a'i hacen Americanaidd. O dipyn i beth fe ddatgela'r dylluan wen ei chyfrinach i ni. Camp Angharad Jones yw neidio o un person i'r llall o bennod i bennod. Try at y presennol yng ngŵydd y ferch fach Gwen a neidia yn ôl i'r gorffennol pan fydd Ifor Gruffydd yn cael ei ddarlunio. Taena Myfi ei hudlath ar Ifor fel Gwydion ar Blodeuwedd gynt a cheir disgrifiad cynnil iawn o'r ddau yn caru.

Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.