HUNDREDS of people enjoyed a fun-filled day at a summer carnival in Wrexham.

Johnstown Community Carnival took place on Sunday and proved as popular an event as ever.

While the weather was chilly and miserable, it didn't dampen spirits - with families enjoying a day of live music and fair ground activities.

Charlotte Bellis is one of the organisers of the event - which was set up in memory of her auntie and local community stalwart, Denise Caldecott.

Charlotte said: "Denise’s Army were very excited to be back this year with the Johnstown Carnival. Hopefully the community had a fantastic day. As always we are so grateful to all our artists, bands and soloists who donate their amazing talent to provide outstanding entertainment.

"Also, all the volunteers you are amazing, all businesses and people from the community who donated items for the raffle/tombola, thank you to Rhos Community Council for sponsoring the stage and a huge thank you to the community as a whole who always come along and support the carnival. 

"There are so many amazing people/companies to mention, so sorry if we missed anyone out - it is not intentional and we definitely value you and your support."

The event also raised money for Andy’s Man Club Wrexham and Nightingale House Hospice.

Charlotte added: "We also recently purchased a wheelchair for 12-year-old local girl Tulisa Griffiths  who has broken her leg and is unable to get out and about with her friends.

"One of our organisers saw the post for help and Denise’s Army committee agreed to the purchase and delivered it to her last week."