A THUG who subjected his ex-partner to a "vicious and sickening" attack in the street has been locked up.

Mark Harrison, of City Road in Chester, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Thursday morning.

The 37-year-old, originally form Wrexham, had previously admitted offences of breaching a restraining order and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Myles Wilson, prosecuting, told the court that in 2020, Harrison was made the subject of a five year restraining order to protect his ex-partner, Tracy Morris.

It was imposed after he lit a fire outside her front door, having previously messaged her and told her he would kill her.

For that offence, he was jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Turning to the latest offences, Mr Wilson explained that on June 7 this year, Harrison learned his ex partner was to meet a male friend named Ash, and in breach of the restraining order, he messaged Ms Morris.

He said he wanted to meet Ash, telling the victim: "I'm gonna get him - and if he doesn't come, I'm gonna leather you."

As Ms Morris left a relative's home that evening, the defendant appeared, having been hiding in a nearby garden.

CCTV footage captured him putting his hood up, crouching down and then jogging over the road, where he pushed Ms Morris to the ground and subjected her to repeated kicks and punches to the head area.

He was arrested four days later and has been remanded in custody since June 13.

The injuries he caused included a lump to Ms Morris' temple, bruising to her ear, grazes to her arms and hands, and bruising to her arm and chin.

Mark Harrison (NWP)Mark Harrison (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) In her victim statement, summarised by Mr Wilson, she said the attack left her unable to eat properly and open her jaw correctly.

She was unable to sleep and also suffered anxiety.

"This is something that really shook me up," she said.

The court heard Harrison has numerous previous convictions on his record, including possession of a knife, drugs supply, public disorder, criminal damage, assaulting an emergency worker, resisting police and breaching court orders.

Gareth Bellis, defending, told the court: "I say this; this was a vicious and sickening attack.

"It really was, and the defendant is fully aware of that.

"It clearly crosses the custody threshold and the defendant doesn't ask me to make any application otherwise.

"He's 37 years of age and originally from Wrexham.

"Clearly substance misuse in the past has gone to the heart of this defendant's offending but on this occasion he said he wasn't in drink or drugs.

"He's made his time in prison worthwhile and is off cocaine for good."

Mr Bellis said his client had "sorted himself out and regrets what he's done," concluding: "He wishes he could take it back; he's lost everything again."

Recorder Wyn Lloyd Jones told the defendant: "This is a woman who'd been a victim at your hands previously.

"That CCTV captured it all - you pushed the victim to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked her.

"It really is sickening.

"I'm sure at this age, you understand you have to get a grip on your life.

"You're literally throwing your life away, behaving like this."

Harrison was jailed for 27 months and a 10 year restraining order was imposed.