Supermarket giant Morrisons has decided to cut back on its self-checkout tills after going "too far," in a major decision influenced by public opinion.

The decision comes following a review of how the supermarket uses technology in its stores.

The huge chain claims it "went a bit too far" with the self-service checkouts, as Morrisons chief executive Rami Baitiéh revealed.

The supermarket will now be "cutting back" on the technology across some of its stores.

The news prompted our readers in North Wales to share their opinions on self-checkout tills.

Kath Thompson said: "Need people on tills.

"I won't use self-service tills.

"I would rather be in a queue."

Pamela O'Leary echoed this sentiment, stating: "Hate them.

"It's nice to speak to someone and have personal contact."

Deborah Edwards pointed out the convenience of the tills, saying: "Okay for a few items but not a full shop have both just man the tills with staff."

For Pauline Hughes, the use of these machines depends on the number of items on purchase: "Don’t mind self-service for baskets but won’t use them for trolleys."

On the other hand, some shoppers see the quick service advantage of the self-service tills.

Jude Hoole said: "Use self-service all the time with the self scanners.

"Pop straight in bag.

"Much quicker."


Helen Almond also said that these checkouts are "much quicker and more efficient than regular checkouts."

However, job concerns also dominated customer opinions about self-service tills.

Ian Wobler Williams said: "I was asked to use one in Aldi Ruabon, I refused politely and said I don't work there, however if they offered me staff discount I would happily use them."

Echoing this sentiment, Jean Rhodes-Parker wrote: "Never use self-service, if I wanted to be a shop assistant I would apply for a job and get paid.

"Putting staff out of work these are."

Jan Schutzmann also commented: "Do not use them, never been trained on till use so not my job."

The reaction from Morrison's customer base appears mixed, but the decision to reduce the number of self-service checkouts has been made.