The Leader Camera Club has more than 1,300 members from across Wrexham, Flintshire and beyond.

In our Behind the Lens feature, we meet some of those in the group who share their images and take part in challenges, contributing to the galleries in print and online.

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To see more or to join, visit the Leader Camera Club Facebook group.

Thomas Cawley and their staffie, Maeve.

Thomas Cawley and their staffie, Maeve.

Thomas Cawley is a 39-year-old student social worker from Deeside.

When and why did you take up photography?

I took up photography around three years ago as I wanted a hobby which would give me a creative outlet.

My decision to take up photography followed on from a ADHD diagnosis, which completely changed my life.

I was able to apply myself to lots of new activities, which included studying at college to gain qualifications to attend Wrexham University.

Having the new ability to focus led to me taking up photography, where I self taught from watching YouTube videos and by reading books.

Taken near Beaumaris looking towards the mainland. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Taken near Beaumaris looking towards the mainland. Photo: Thomas Cawley

What do you love about taking pictures?

I love the way it helps you look at life from different perspectives and allows you to see beauty in things around you that would otherwise be overlooked.

Taken at Chester Zoo. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Taken at Chester Zoo. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Where is your favourite place to take pictures?

I'd have to say anywhere in North Wales. With all the beauty on my doorstep, I'm spoilt for choice.

Captures whilst wandering around Shotton. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Captures whilst wandering around Shotton. Photo: Thomas Cawley

What equipment do you use?

I opted for a Nikon D3500 after reading reviews which recommended it as a good camera for beginners.

Moody Skies over Beaumaris. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Moody Skies over Beaumaris. Photo: Thomas Cawley

What do you enjoy about being part of the Leader Camera Club?

The community that the club offers, being welcoming and friendly. Also, the weekly challenges that the club provides helps to develop my photography skills, by offering challenges to take photographs of subjects that I usually wouldn't have.

Beauty is all around us. Photo: Thomas Cawley

Beauty is all around us. Photo: Thomas Cawley

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be?

I would like to take more photographs of street photography, to capture scenes that tell a story that evoke feelings and thoughts.