By Mark Isherwood

MS for North Wales

It was a pleasure to attend the wonderful annual Denbigh and Flint Show in Denbigh.

As well as welcoming people to the Welsh Conservative Stand, I had meetings with the Farmers' Union of Wales (FUW) President and local FUW representatives, discussing issues including the proposed North East Wales National Park and the need to support the next generation of young farmers; with the National Farmers Union (NFU) Cymru Clwyd County Chairman and local NFU representatives, discussing issues including the falling number of dairy farms, the need to keep land in production, the economic contribution agriculture makes to the local economy, and fly-tipping; and with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) UK National Chair and FSB Wales representatives, discussing issues including Business Rates, Business Support, their continued support for a North East Wales Investment Zone, the struggling hospitality sector, and the impact of Planning Regulations. My other visits at the Show included COS, Centre of Sign-Sight-Sound (formerly North Wales Deaf Association), of which I am Patron.

I attended a meeting of the ‘Bash the Barriers’ working group with North Wales Police to discuss the campaign for Flintshire County Council to remove the barriers to access by disabled people on the Wales Coast Path in Flintshire, and the need for compliance with the Equality Act, with a proper consultation and Equality Impact Assessment which asks the service users.

I also attended a Public Meeting regarding the proposed Gaerwen Wind Farm near Corwen. Earlier this year, as the Wales Species Champion for the Curlew, I visited representatives of the Dee Valley Environmental Network to discuss concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed wind Farm on the Mynydd Mynyllod landscape. This site is both an important area for species including Curlew and an area rich in peat.

We are very fortunate to have many excellent tourist attractions across North Wales and I was delighted to visit one of them, Colwyn Bay’s impressive Welsh Mountain Zoo, with my eldest daughter and her family.

I congratulate all those students in North Wales who received their A-level results last week. Whatever they achieved, there are many options available.

The latest Labour Market statistics for Wales are concerning, with the economic inactivity rate in Wales rising to 28.3%, compared with 22.2% at UK level, and with the employment rate in Wales falling to 68.9%, compared with 74.5% at UK level.

The focus must be on workforce skills and actively bringing good quality, well paid jobs to Wales.

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