FLINT High School say they are"immensely proud" to celebrate the A level results of their year 13 students.

The Flintshire school said there had been scenes of "elation and happiness" as students received their results on Thursday morning.

Among the students from Flint High that will be going to university, are:

  • Alyssa Hough, who will be studying Animation at Reading University
  • Joe Williams, who will be studying Computer Science at Aberystwyth University
  • Tayler Jones, who will be studying Drama and Creative Writing at Chester University
  • Sarah Massey, who will be studying English and American Studies at Nottingham University
  • Megan Pearson who will be studying Sport Psychology at Loughborough University
  • Cerys Hughes, who will be studying Policing at York University
  • Jay Harmes, who will be studying English Literature at Reading University

Some of the school's top performers were Jessica Roberts, who achieved A*AAB and will go on to study Theatre Design at Salford University, and Stevie Duncan, who achieved A*AB and will study Psychology at Cardiff University.

The year 13 LLS sport students have once again performed to an extremely high level. Amongst the high achievers were Heather Clarkson (D*D*D*) who will go on to study Sports Coaching at Liverpool Hope University and Leda Tsvetkova (D*DD) who will go on to study Sport and Exercise Science at Chester University.


Claire Millington, headteacher, said: “I am immensely proud of the achievements of our year 12 and 13 students. Our staff and parents have focused on supporting the students and on encouraging them to work hard and give 100 percent effort. This attitude has really paid off in these results. It is so exciting to see so many of our year 13 students continuing with their education and going to university.”

Sam Harbour, head of sixth form, said: “I am really pleased with our results this year. We are delighted with the students’ achievements and wish them all the best in their future pathways: university, further education, apprenticeships or work.”

"We know that their experiences at our school over the years have helped prepare them for the challenges and successes that lie ahead of them.”