A WREXHAM man who embarked on a campaign of dangerous driving through a Flintshire town has been jailed.

Adam Banaszkiewicz, of Holt Road in Wrexham, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday, August 15.

The 26-year-old previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failure to stop and a public order offence at Mold Magistrates Court on July 19.

Maria Masselis, prosecuting, told the court that the incidents in question took place on the morning of July 17.

Banaszkiewicz had been driving dangerously along the A511 in Flint and police pursued him.

Two police cars were in pursuit of his Mercedes vehicle with lights and sires on, but the defendant refused to stop.

He was seen to be driving on the opposite side of the road and was 'far exceeding' the speed limit on a 20mph stretch.

Banaszkiewicz also drove up a 'no entry' road in his attempts to evade the police.

He made his way into the centre of Flint at speeds of up to 80mph, with the police pursuit having to be cancelled due to 'safety concerns'. 


His vehicle was then spotted driving the full length of the industrial estate, before going back towards Flint, as he drove through red lights.

As the police chase resumed, Banaszkiewicz began throwing things from his car in the direction of the police cars following him.

When he arrived in the centre of Flint, he mounted the kerb with his vehicle along the main shopping road in order to avoid hitting a HGV.

He collided with a bin before carrying on along the pavement, causing pedestrians to 'take evasive action', Ms Masselis said.

The defendant's route was eventually blocked by bollards and he ran off from the scene.

But, officers soon apprehended him after members of the public pointed him out to them.

CCTV footage of the incident was shown in court, with the prosecution stating that Banaszkiewicz had shown 'no regard to other roads users at that time'.

(Image: NQ) PIC: Mold Crown Court.

After the chase, the defendant was taken to Wrexham Maelor Hospital to be examined.

He was 'sleeping and initially calm', but when told he would be released back into police custody, he became 'aggressive' with hospital staff and police officers who were also there.

While in the busy hospital waiting area, he told staff and officers 'I'm going to fight you', before four officers restrained him.

CCTV footage of this incident was again played in court, with Banaszkiewicz - appearing via videolink from HMP Berwyn - disputing that it showed 'what really happened'.

The prosecution said that the defendant had a 'poor record' of previous driving offences such as drug driving, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance.

Dafydd Roberts, defending, said that Banaszkiewicz 'panicked' when he was confronted by police.

He added that the defendant 'regrets reacting and driving in that way'.

Sentencing Banaszkiewicz, Judge Niclas Parry said: "Busy medical staff under pressure do not deserve to be put under that kind of strain."

On the driving offences, the judge added: "It is quite remarkable nobody was injured."

Banaszkiewicz was sentenced to a total of 16 months in prison for the three offences, with judge Parry adding that there was 'no realistic prospect of rehabilitation'.

His driving licence was also revoked.