A PROFESSIONAL BOXER who drunkenly assaulted a 'good friend' in Wrexham city centre has been spared jail.

Michael Walsh, of Norwich Road in Corpusty, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday (August 15).

The 40-year-old initially pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm during a magistrates hearing on June 17.

However, he later changed his plead to guilty during a plea and trial preparation hearing on July 14.

Tom McLoughlin, prosecuting, told the court that the incident unfolded when Walsh had been out drinking with friend Richard McColl and another friend on the night of June 14/morning of June 15.

The trio - who were all from outside the local area - had been spotted on CCTV leaving a bar on Church Street at around 1am and were seen to be 'stumbling'.

The other friends can be seen to be fighting, with Mr McColl caught throwing punches at the other man.

When Walsh tried to intervene, Mr McColl struck him and this led to the defendant throwing a 'number of punches', causing his friend to fall to the ground.


Walsh threw a further five punches at Mr McColl while he was on the ground as the other friend who was with them attempted to pull him away.

But he returned and 'slapped' Mr McColl in the face a 'number of times', before kicking him to his stomach three times.

An unidentified woman then tried to intervene, but Walsh continued his attack, landing two further kicks to Mr McColl's back, before 'stamping' towards his face and punching him to the head.

Police then arrived at the scene and arrested Walsh.

Mr McColl was taken to hospital and was left with 'significant swelling' to his right eye following the incident.

At interview, Walsh revealed that he was a professional boxer and said he was 'disgusted by his actions'.

He admitted that the friends had been drinking that night, including 'shots of spirits'.

No defence was offered during Walsh's appearance in court, but Judge Niclas Parry concluded that the defendant was 'genuinely remorseful' for his actions.

Judge Parry added: “Don’t stamp on the face of your good friend when he’s already prone on the floor.

"Your friend’s statement confirms what other people also say about you, he doesn’t want you to go to prison.”

Walsh was handed a sentence of 12 months which was suspended for a period of 12 months.

Judge Parry added: "The first thing you should do when you get out is shake Mr McColl’s hand."