BETSI Cadwaladt University Health Board (BCUHB) has apologised to residents of a Flintshire area "missed off" being placed in a GP catchment area.

Residents living in the Ewart Street and North Street area of Saltney Ferry say they have been left in "no man's land" - unable to register for a GP.

Jordan Wynne said she "tried everywhere" in Deeside to register her newborn, Stormi, but was told she is outside each practice's catchment area - even The Saltney Surgery, where Jordan has registered all her life.

Other people living in the area have faced similar recent issues - labelling it "absolute madness". 

Now, BCUHB has apologised to people affected by the issue, and pledged to find a solution.. 

Lynne Joannou, director of Primary Care Contracting & Commissioning, said: "We understand that residents in Saltney Ferry have had issues with gaining access to local GP services and we are sorry that this is the case.

"We are working with partners to review the situation to ensure there is access for local residents." 

Jordan, however, has slammed the health board. She said: "A sorry will never ever be enough for what we have experienced. I was pushed from pillar to post and nobody wanted to help or even knew about what had happened.

"Hours and hours of ringing around clueless when that time should have been spent with both my daughters, I will never get that back. It’s like they have only apologised and acknowledged it because the news has got involved."

She continued: "Although I am glad it’s getting sorted I do not accept their apology and if I could take this further I would. They should have just accepted and acknowledged the mistake, rectified it and moved on. Instead they haven’t looked into it, basically I was to shut up and put up and that’s not me.

"I will always fight for what I think is right and as a mother I would go against the world if I had to for my children. I shouldn’t have to shout about it to get into my local GP, Stormi should have been automatically accepted from the start without a fight."