NORTH Wales Police officers have been injured after being deployed to areas experiencing violent disorder across the UK over the last week. 

The North Wales Police Federation, the association which supports officers, has said some have suffered injuries during the incidents. "Exhausted" officers have given up annual leave and rest days to be on the front line in areas hit by the disorder.

A spokesperson said: "In the last week, brave North Wales Police officers have been deployed across the UK in order to protect the public and keep our streets safe, being attacked by those who seek to turn peaceful protest into an excuse for violence, thuggery and mindless criminal damage."

Lewis Davies, general secretary of North Wales Police Federation, said: “We should be clear, these are not ‘extra officers’, these are our officers who have had rest days and/or annual leave cancelled during the summer holiday period in order to be there to protect the public and property. These officers continue to carry their existing heavy workloads, and the time they would spend on holiday, with family and friends, is lost.

"Some officers have received injuries during these violent clashes, being hit by bottles, bricks - anything that the protesters could get their hands on to use as weapons to use against the police.

"Officers are exhausted, and despite rigorous public order training many are experiencing real-time disorder on the streets for the first time."

Mr Davies added: “We will continue to support and care for all of our officers deployed to these areas.”