A MAN has been fined after forgetting to turn up to an appointment with his probation workers.

Joshua Parker, of Crescent Close in Wrexham, was produced in custody at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 36-year-old admitted failing to comply with supervision requirements imposed upon him following his release from a period of imprisonment, in that he failed to attend a pre-planned appointment with probation officers on August 2.

Probation officer Pamela Roberts told the court: "Mr Parker was made aware of the appointment in a letter in large print, making the document easier for him.

"His probation practitioner conducted an emergency home visit on August 6 in an attempt to make contact with him, however he seemingly presented as not being home.

"There was no response to the efforts. Due tot his and the failure to attend the appointment, Mr Parker as in breach."

Ms Roberts told the court the Probation Service's recommendation was that Parker receive a short custodial sentence of 14 days, during which things could be put in place to work with him on his release.

Defending solicitor Euros Jones told the court his client, who participated in the hearing with the assistance of a sign language interpreter, had forgotten about the appointment on August 2.
He said: "In my submission, this is a matter that can be dealt with by a fine - I always question probation when they want to send someone back to custody for a short time.


"It is established that such short sentences do nothing other than punish the person.

"Mr Parker has temporary accommodation for now. He'd lose that if sent to custody."

Mr Jones also asked the court to bear in mind that "the prisons are completely full" and that prisoners are "being released on early release to ensure there is sufficient space for others to go there."

The Magistrates opted to fine Parker £80 for the breach, rather than sending him to custody for a short period of time.