THE NUMBER of motorists caught speeding on 20mph roads in North Wales in July compared to June jumped by nearly 500 per cent. 

Figures issued by GoSafe revealed that 5,199 motorists were caught exceeding the controversial speed limit on North Wales roads in July. 

The average offence speed was 28.8mph, with the highest recorded being 88mph. 

Across South and Mid Wales, a total of 6,002 motorists were caught speeding - at an average speed of 28.4mph. 

Each month, the number of motorists caught speeding in 20mph areas in North Wales has increased. In March, there were just eight motorists caught exceeding the limit, which grew to 251 in April, 636 in May, 892 in June and over 5,000 last month. It means that just shy of 7,000 motorists have been caught speeding in 20mph areas in the region since March. 

A GoSafe spokesperson said: "It’s worth noting that the number of offences detected is not equal to the amount of people that received fines. The data is only for the number of offences. These offences may conclude in educational courses, points and a fine, court referrals or exemptions.

"We do not include a breakdown of the conclusions as notices have six months to be resolved and could be resolved at any point within that period."

Last month, the Welsh Government published new guidance on 20mph for local authorities to follow in order to make more exemptions to the speed limit. 

To date, Flintshire Council has received over 800 individual requests for roads in the county to revert to 30mph. 

Flintshire Council's chief officer for Streetscene and Transportation, Katie Wilby, said: “We welcome Welsh Government’s announcement that new guidance is being provided to support highway authorities when making decisions on local speed limits.

"The revised guidance provides a framework to support us as a highway authority to make the right decisions for local roads and to understand where 30mph speed limits can be applied, particularly when those calls are finely balanced.

“To date, we have received 855 requests for roads to be reverted to 30mph. Officers are currently in the process of reviewing these requests and are now able to commence the assessment process following the release of Welsh Government’s revised guidance.”