WREXHAM's Roundtable organisation has generously donated to not one, but SIX local organisations to make a difference to the community.

For over seven-years, the Wrexham Round Table has been a fantastic charity organisation offering financial aid to local projects.

The aim is to encourage men between the ages of 18 and 45 to get involved with local projects, meet new people and make friends.

After asking for nominations, the final six have been chosen...

Rhos Rugby Club

A £200 donation has been made to the community club dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle and providing a safe, inclusive environment for all ages and abilities.

The club runs a senior side and a thriving mini and junior section with over 80 children and young people attending training sessions every Wednesday and Sunday. They also host mixed ability/gender touch rugby sessions and ladies rugby fitness sessions, making it a true community hub.

Wrexham Sounds

A £200 donation has been awarded to the non-profit social enterprise based in Rhosrobin dedicated to transforming the lives of disadvantaged young people through music.

With rising demand for their services, especially as councils cut youth services and schools reduce creative options, Wrexham Sounds relies on the support of the community, local businesses, and grants. The Wrexham Roundtable donation will help cover the costs of promoting and delivering their life-changing services.

A spokesperson from the Roundtable said: "A huge thank you to Chris and the team at Wrexham Sounds for their dedication and hard work. We are proud to support such an impactful organisation making a real difference in our community."

Your Space

A £500 donation has been made to improve their sensory garden and outdoor area. This well-used space is a sanctuary for many young people and their families, providing a place to relax, learn, and connect with nature.

The donation will help replenish plants, add further raised beds, and cover the sandpit, ensuring the garden remains a vibrant and welcoming environment for everyone.

Llay Community Church of the Nazarene

A £200 donation has been made to this amazing church, located in Llay, dedicated to making a positive impact on families facing significant social, educational, and financial challenges.

Many families in the area live below the poverty line, and the church steps in to offer support through a range of activities and clubs, all provided free of charge.

These initiatives provide a safe, welcoming environment with quality activities led by positive adult role models.

The £200 donation will be used to purchase resources and equipment for their children's and youth clubs, including craft materials, board games, and sporting equipment. These resources will help ensure the children and youth enjoy attending and feel comfortable bringing their friends.

The Food Cupboard for Rossett

A £200 donation has been made to this vital resource started by a dedicated couple just over a year ago.

Initially, the project aimed to reduce food waste and help a few neighbours with a small cupboard in their garden. Today, it has grown into a 32ft porter cabin on leased council land, serving over 500 people a week from across Wrexham. With two vans collecting food from local supermarkets seven days a week, the cupboard is a lifeline for many.



The Rossett Community Cupboard’s mission is to ensure no one goes hungry, and their vision includes creating a small community hub to offer free hot food alongside the hot drinks they currently provide. 

Member of Wrexham's Roundtable James Townshend said: "We had initially set out £500 for a local community cause which was to be voted on by our members. However, we received a lot of great appeals that we simply couldn't ignore.

"In total we have committed £1500 across 6 local community charities/causes. Each donation will help in different ways, from Food Cupboards, Community Youth clubs, Sensory Gardens and Local Sports clubs."