A WOMAN who grew up in Wrexham scooped gold medals in three different events at the Transplant Games. 

Ruth Hayes, who grew up in Borras before moving to Cornwall, took home gold medals in table tennis, tennis and badminton at last weekend's event held in Nottingham. 

In November 2023, the 32-year-old received a life-saving kidney transplant - with her partner, Luke, being the donor. 

"Before the transplant, I could walk and get around - but I couldn't do any strenuous exercise," the music teacher said. 

"In January I started running again, and then my brother who is a tennis player kindly gave me practice sessions. I never expected to come home with three golds."


She won six matches badminton, four in tennis and three in table tennis representing Team Bristol - where she had the transplant. 

"In Bristol, the care I received was absolutely outstanding. I feel so lucky to be where I am today."

Running for over 40 years, the British Transplant Games are a celebration of life.

Taking place in different host cities every Summer, the games see teams from hospitals across the UK come together to compete in a medley of sports. The 4-day event attracts around 1000 transplant athletes and more than 1700 supporters.

Transplant survivors including children as young as five can compete in more than 25 sports and indeed, many athletes also go on to compete at the World Transplant Games.

Ruth added: "I saw the Games as an opportunity to get fit and healthy again. Being amongst so many other people in a similar situation to me was inspiring. To find three gold medals was a great surprise but I did also feel a huge sense of achievement."