A WREXHAM-based charity providing learning, support and care for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism across, has received a positive inspection.

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) visited MacIntyre in Wrexham in Jun 2024, rating it ‘excellent’ across all areas.

The two-day inspection thoroughly reviewed MacIntyre's practices, as well as receiving feedback from people who draw on MacIntyre’s support, Wrexham Council and other people they work with.

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The report highlighted how impressive the care provision is from the team, with a particular focus on the co-produced, individualised care plans:

• There are excellent governance arrangements in place, ensuring clear lines of delegation and exceptional oversight of the service.

• Personal plans are exceptionally person-centred, detailed and reflect people’s specific needs, and are reviewed and changed accordingly.

• Care staff work from very high-quality personal plans that are written with the person and cater for people’s preferences.

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In terms of wellbeing, the inspector noted: "People have control over their day to day lives and feel they are listened to and their views are considered.

"The service has an in depth understanding of the complexity of mental capacity and the best interest process.

"This means they support people inclusively and appropriately to contribute to decisions that affect their life."

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The inspector was invited back for a second day to meet a few of the people who draw on MacIntyre’s support, and told the team it was a really lovely inspection.

Reflecting on the two days, the CIW inspector recognised what sets MacIntyre apart is being outward-facing, and an active part of the community. They commented on how MacIntyre is trying to share good ideas and practice, to influence the wider sector, by working with others to actively change.

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MacIntyre area manager, Carly Morrissey, said: “I’m immensely proud, in not only the managers and the staff teams, but in the fact that everyone is being supported in a way that they're able to live their life how they want. Why would you not want to celebrate that?

"What was lovely is the inspector spoke about our approach and that we don’t celebrate it enough, because ‘it’s just what we do’. But they're the bits really that helped us achieve this excellent rating.”

Carly added: “We don’t want to stand still; we came straight away from the inspection and said ‘Okay, where can we go with this? What can we do in the next 12 months? How can we make sure we don’t stop?’ Reflective practice is key. We've been rated ‘excellent’, which is great, but we still need to keep pushing forward. Well done team!”