A COUPLE from Flintshire are celebrating 60 wonderful years of marriage together, despite a whirlwind of highs and lows.

Married in a tiny Catholic church in Mold, Maureen and Kingsley Brisco have shared their wonderful life together with proud grandson, Jamie.

Maureen, 80, says the pair met in a pub on the High Street in Mold, aged just 20 and 24. She was with her friends and he was with his. That night, Kingsley walked her home and the rest, as they say, is history.

Kingsley, 84, was working as a labourer at the time and Maureen was working in a bar in local pubs.

Maureen and Kingsley on their wedding day on August 8, 1964Maureen and Kingsley on their wedding day on August 8, 1964 (Image: Jamie Rodgers)
In just three-months-time, they were married. The couple had a beautiful wedding on August 8, after meeting in the spring with just 18 guests in attendance.

Speaking about the wedding day, Kingsley said: "We had sandwiches, lettuce and tomatoes and that, and ham with different things and then we went across the road to the pub.

"My friend gave me a £5 as a wedding present, that was a lot of money in them days."

In 1965, their first son Peter was born, soon followed by Paul in 1966 and daughter Donna in 1970. Together, they now have six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Maureen and Kingsley with grandson Jamie and partner ClaireMaureen and Kingsley with grandson Jamie and partner Claire (Image: Jamie Rodgers)

Maureen tells Jamie: "We were living with me sister when I had Peter. She only had a 2-bedroomed house.

"We walked to all the councillors to put our case to them, and they offered us a house, but we couldn't afford the rent. Then our place in Drefland came up. That was when all the children were teenagers."

Kinglsey added that the cost of rent was £3 for their first council house, before they moved to Drefland where it cost £1 and 12 shillings. "We bought it for about £5,000 and were there for 30 odd years", he said.

He changed careers to a bin man and served the council for 34-years while Maureen returned to bar work and night cleaning. He had also worked on the railways in London, aged 15.

"And then you retired, and you've lived in Mold your whole life?", asked Jamie.

Maureen said: "All our lives."

Jamie: "I bet Mold has changed a lot since you've grown up, hasn't it, Nan? What did it used to be like?"

Maureen replied: "Lovely – the markets, you couldn’t get on the markets, it was chocka - you know the Wednesday markets and the Saturday markets, chocka.

"There’s not many of the ‘Moldy Mold’ people left because the older people have died anyway. You just carry on don’t you, when you’re older you just take each day as it comes, you know."

Changing the subject from herself to her grandson, Maureen gives Jamie a few words of wisdom for his own relationship.


"The thing is, to give and take and never go to bed on an argument. It's stupid arguing. If you want to argue, go away, cool down and come back to start talking again", she said.

And it's clearly worked. The pair have shared 60 very happy years together, surrounded by friends and family.

Despite many hardships, Maureen and Kingsley have also shared lots of happiness along the way.

We wish them both an especially happy sixtieth anniversary.