POLICE have given guidance on the sort of clues to look out for when criminal cold callers knock at your door.

Police have said TV faults, faulty broadband, water / gas / electricity board and "reformed criminal on probation" are all popular methods criminals use to target householders. 

They said that once inside criminals will distract residents by whatever means;  such as by asking "can I have a cuppa / glass of water?", "can you turn the water on while I check your pipes?" "can you stay by your TV whilst I check the cables?". Police said these people very often they work in pairs so one person will engage you whilst the other wanders around your home helping themselves.

A North Wales Police spokesperson said: "Please don't be a victim keep yourself and your neighbours safe - don't allow people in, if answering the front door - lock your back door.

"Check all "official" visitors are legitimate by calling the companies involved, don't take their word for it, often they have fake ID as well.

"If you are suspicious of a caller report it on 101 or web chat, try to write down as much information about the person as you can. 

"If a crime is ongoing or someone is in danger call 999."