A new partnership has been announced to promote the Welsh language in the workplace.

At the National Eisteddfod on August 6, a collaboration was unveiled between the Welsh Language Commissioner and the National Centre for Learning Welsh.

The initiative targets increasing the use of Welsh in work environments.

The effort is a part of the commissioner's Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) scheme, which provides organisations not covered by the Welsh Language Standards an opportunity to commit to the language.

More than 120 organisations, including the Welsh Rugby Union, Principality Building Society, Aldi, and Lidl, have already been approved.

Efa Gruffudd Jones, the Welsh Language commissioner, said: "The Cynnig Cymraeg scheme has been extremely successful in giving organisations the opportunity to highlight their commitment to the language but we need to consider what more we can do to support them.

"Increasing the use of Welsh in workplaces is a priority for us, and this partnership with the Centre allows us to offer specific courses, tailored to workplaces, and are fully funded."

Under the new partnership, organisations part of the Cynnig Cymraeg scheme will be able to join the Work Welsh initiative.

This aims to boost Welsh language proficiency in participating workplaces by designing relevant training programmes.

Dona Lewis, the National Centre for Learning Welsh's chief executive, said: "We are delighted to be working with the Welsh Language Commissioner to reinforce the Cynnig Cymraeg and extend the Work Welsh scheme to new audiences."

She added: "Estyn has recently praised the scheme, and the way the Centre is working with its partners to attract new audiences to the Welsh language."

The Welsh Rugby Union, a previous Cynnig Cymraeg recipient, has benefited from the Work Welsh scheme since last year.

Geraint John, the union's community director, said: "Considering and promoting the Welsh language is a daily commitment to an organisation at the heart of our nation."

He added: "We have also been working closely with the National Centre for Learning Welsh's Work Welsh scheme to provide a range of training for our staff.

"This new partnership is to be welcomed and I would encourage any organisation that accepts the Cynnig Cymraeg to take advantage of the support."