VOLUNTEERS who monitor speeding motorists in their community came up against an objecting van driver - and it didn't quite end how you might expect.

The Buckley Community Speedwatch team carried out five roadside sessions in 20 and 30mph roads throughout July.

During those sessions, the team recorded 107 speeders.

Of those, 104 have been referred to GoSafe and will receive a letter urging them to be better drivers.

The top speeds recorded by the volunteers were a 51mph in a 30 zone at Drury Lane, and a 50mph in a 20 zone at Megs Lane.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, said the speeders had thrown "safety out of the window," and branded such behaviour "lunatic driving."

He has spoken previously of the many reactions the volunteers have received at the roadside, from thumbs up to abuse, and even those attempting to obstruct their activities - such as the 'Pink Umbrella Man' in 2021.

Cllr Woolley emphasised that quite often, members of the public don't appear to understand the aim of Community Speedwatch groups - which was illustrated by one interaction the team experienced in recent days.

He explained: "We had an encounter with a man driving a van who parked and deliberately blocked our vision with the radar gun.

"We were right at the end of our time anyway and we thought let's not have a row.

"So we left, but he followed and asked us: what the hell do you think you're doing?

"When we explained what we're doing - the fact we don't nobble people for doing 21 in a 20 zone, and that we ensure they get a letter from police to say please be a better driver - he said oh!

"He was amazed.

"When he got a grasp of what we were actually about, which is not nicking pounds out of people's pockets or putting points on their licences, he shook hands with us all.

"He said I like that - keep up the good work.

"I think the thing here is that an awful lot of people don't realise what Community Speedwatch is all about.

"What we do isn't punitive - it's preventative."