PLANS have been submitted for a bakery at Broughton Retail Park.

An application has been lodged with Flintshire Council to turn the TUI travel agent unit into a bakery.

A planning statement on behalf of the the applicant, Broughton Unit Trust, said: "Externally, the proposal seeks minor amendments to the existing entrance to provide a new glazed shopfront and glazed sliding doors. The proposal does not seek any other alteration and does not seek to increase the floorspace of the unit.

"The proposal also seeks amendments to t he advertisement signage to the front elevation. This will be subject to a separate advertisement consent application in due course."

It adds: "The proposal to allow reoccupation of tgis unit would also help support existing businesses in the vicinity, facilitate further investment, development and potentially associated job opportunities in the area. The proposed use will largely serve existing visitors and workers at the site who want to have something convenient and quick to eat."

They state that it will add to the "vitality, viability and vibrancy" of the shopping park. 

According to other planning documents, it appears TUI is relocating to a smaller 1,430 sq ft unit on the retail park previously occupied by The Body Shop.

The application will now be decided on by Flintshire Council at a later date.