A KITTEN was rescued from the Flintshire Bridge after likely being dumped there.

Shotton-based New Hope For Forgotten cats took in little Casper after he was found wandering along the bridge by Flintshire Council workers on Tuesday.

(Image: UGC)

Nadine Hulley, who runs the sanctuary, said: "No owners have come forward, but we didn't really expect them to as we believe that due to the location where he was found that he was in fact dumped there.

"It would be virtually impossible for a kitten of approximately eight weeks old to have got there by himself. Casper is extremely lucky to have been found before he was killed by a vehicle on the extremely busy bridge."

She added: "Please don't just abandon your pets, they don't stand much chance by themselves. Ask for help and we will try to do everything we can to assist you."


Talking about why cats are dumped by their owners, Nadine said: "Sadly, it's something that happens often. People won't get their cats neutered and they end up having kittens that nobody wants so they end up in different places.

"We had one in a couple of weeks ago found by Aldi in Buckley which nobody claimed, it's easier for people to just abandon them rather than do the right thing and get their cat neutered in the first place.

"We currently have 20 kittens in and are just on the way to collect another one found today, it's never ending, sadly."