A COERCIVE and abusive man who taunted his ex-partner about the tragic death of her mother has been jailed. 

Christopher Parry, of Sarn Lane, Caergwrle, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Friday (August 2). 

The 35-year-old had previously admitted engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour in an intimate family relationship, and assault by actual bodily harm. 

Prosecuting, David Mainstone said that the victim, Atalanta Underwood, met the defendant in 2021 and they began a romantic relationship in December of that year. 

The court heard Miss Underwood was left "traumatised" after her mother tragically took her own life in early 2022. Parry is said to have become "impatient" with Miss Underwood's grief and would say things like: "It's been long enough now."

The court heard that during an argument between the couple, Parry accused Miss Underwood of being unfaithful. They were in the bedroom when Parry picked up a heavy metal door handle and threw it at Miss Underwood - hitting her on the hand and causing the bone in her fourth finger to shatter. The injury required a surgical metal plate being fitted. 

Following this incident, the defendant continued to use violence towards Miss Underwood. On numerous occasions he kicked and slapped her during arguments - which regularly arose after Parry had checked Miss Underwood's phone. 

Parry damaged items in the house, and one occasion smashed the phone which had belonged to Miss Underwood's late mother. The court heard it had contained the last messages Miss Underwood had shared with her. The victim estimates that the defendant smashed around 12 mobile phones belonging to her, one of which was brand new and cost her £800.

The defendant was also verbally abusive, he would call her a "crackhead, like your mum". On another occasion he taunted Miss Underwood about her mother's death. 


On January 26, 2024 Miss Underwood arrived home from work. The defendant wanted to know why her hair was a "mess". He repeatedly slapped her and dragged her along the floor. Parry demanded to see Miss Underwood's phone, and called her a "dog" and a "slag - indicating this was the reason why he had to "smash her head in". 

The following day, Miss Underwood was running a bath and getting ready for work. The defendant came upstairs and said it was lucky that he didn't drown her in the bath. He suggested something was going on between her and a manager at work. Parry said: "If you think you're going to work tonight, watch what happens".

He chased her around the house, and dragged her into the bathroom. He threatened to slit Miss Underwood's dog's throat, and send friends round to "blow up the house" if she reported him. Miss Underwood was able to flee the property and call the police. 

The defendant was arrested on January 27, giving a 'no comment' interview. 

In a victim personal statement read out to the court, Miss Underwood said she's not the same person as she was before. She has lost a lot of weight, and has high blood pressure due to the stress and anxiety caused by the abusive relationship. Miss Underwood said she feels "mentally exhausted" and is no longer in employment. She added that the way she was treated was "disgusting" and what she went through was "horrible". 

Miss Underwood said she had to report him to stop him doing it to someone else, and that he represents a danger to women. 

The court heard that Parry would often be in a paranoid state as a result of drug use, but was also violent and aggressive when sober. 

Parry has 39 convictions for 106 offences - including for domestic violence and breaching a restraining order. 

Defending, Gareth Bellis conceded that Parry has a "dreadful" record, but that he hasn't received help for his substance misuse. He said it's "telling" that the victim said Parry "doesn't care for himself" in her victim personal statement. Since being remanded in HMP Berwyn for the last several months, Parry has stayed clean of taking drugs. 

Judge Timothy Petts jailed Parry for two and a half years, and made him subject to a 10-year restraining order from Miss Underwood.