A LEARNING support worker at a Wrexham school has been suspended after slapping a pupil on the arm whilst on a school trip.

A Fitness to Practise Committee of the Education Workforce Council (EWC), sitting remotely on June 11 and 12 found an allegation of unacceptable professional conduct proved against school learning support worker, Alun Wyn Rogers.

The Fitness to Practise Committee heard that the incident occurred whilst Mr Rogers was employed as a school learning support worker at Ysgol Plas Coch. It happened on March 22, 2022 on an educational visit to Alyn Waters Country Park.

The incident occurred at Alyn Waters Country ParkThe incident occurred at Alyn Waters Country Park (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Rogers was on the trip along with three teachers and another assistant, supervising 71 pupils between them. Around lunchtime, some of the children were playing in the park, with Mr Rogers supervising those playing by a swing.

During this time, Child A alleged that Mr Rogers slapped them on their arm. Child A reported this to one of the teachers nearby, Ms Ffion Yaxley-Murray. When the children and staff returned to the school later that day, Mr Osian Jones, headteacher discussed the incident with Child A, as well as four other children who were present at the time of the alleged incident. He also discussed the incident with Mr Rogers upon his return to the school.

Following this, the matter was referred to the police by Child A’s parent. The police took no further action due to lack of evidence. The matter was also referred to the council under the All Wales Child Protection procedures. The council undertook a formal investigation into the incident, and a disciplinary hearing took place on December 6 2022, which Mr Rogers attended. Mr Rogers denied the allegation and an appeal hearing took place on February 14 2023. He was subsequently referred to the EWC.

Ms Ffion Yaxley-Murray told the subsequent EWC hearing that she checked the area on Child A’s arm where they reported that Mr Rogers had ‘slapped’ him but she could see no mark. 

The committee did not hear from Mr Rogers, who did not attend the hearing, and who was not represented.

The committee found the allegation that Mr Rogers slapped the child as proven. The committee found it amounted to "unacceptable professional conduct". 

They considered there were some mitigating factors in this case, including that Mr Rogers did not have any prior regulatory proceedings recorded against him; and witness evidence in relation to Mr Rogers’ positive relationship with pupils, staff and parents over a significant period of time, firstly as a volunteer, and later as an employee.

The committee was of the view that Mr Rogers’ conduct, whilst serious, was at the lower end of the scale in relation to physical contact being made with a child. There was no indication of an intention to cause harm, and indeed no mark was made. The committee felt that the conduct was an isolated lapse.

They decided that Mr Rogers should comply with a conditional registration order for the tenure of six months. This means that he needs to apply to the EWC if he wishes to regain his registration to work in the sphere of education.