By Lesley Griffiths

MS for Wrexham

Lower-income families in Wrexham could be entitled to up to £200 to help with essentials like school uniform, shoes, bags, stationery, sports kit and equipment.

Its thanks to the Welsh Labour Government’s School Essentials Grant and applications are now open for the upcoming academic year.

All learners in compulsory school years are eligible and families can claim the grant once per school year per child. The scheme provides £125 per child and £200 for children entering Year 7.

Times are tough and the cost-of-living crisis is taking its toll on many families who are constantly budgeting. This grant could be a real lifeline, reducing financial pressures and helping ensure pupils have the necessary equipment to attend and enjoy school.

Even if your child already receives Universal Primary Free School Meals, it is still important to check eligibility. To find out if your child is eligible, visit the School Essentials Grant website.

The 2024 to 2025 scheme is currently open and will close on 31st May 2025. If any constituent requires further information, please get in touch.

A new vaccine is being rolled out across Wales that could save around 1,000 babies from hospitalisation every year.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a very contagious yet common virus, which infects 9 out of 10 children before their second birthday.

For most, the cold-like symptoms are mild, however, it can be serious for the more vulnerable.

More than 1,000 babies are hospitalised every year with RSV and it can also lead to serious health complications for adults over 75, resulting in around 125 deaths every year in Wales.

The vaccination programme will see those aged 75 to 79 years and pregnant women (from 28 weeks gestation) offered vaccination against RSV for the first time, from September.

Evidence shows the vaccine is safe and effective and I encourage all those who are eligible to take up their offer.

As always, if you’re a constituent and there is an issue I could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: or call 01978 355743. You can also keep up to date by following me on ‘X’ (Twitter) and Facebook, just search @lesley4wrexham.