AN 'unwelcome' house party guest found himself in the dock after drinking too much vodka and behaving aggressively.

Damien Howarth, of Springfields, Holway, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 33-year-old admitted one offence of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court police were called on January 28 following the defendant's behaviour at a house party in the Holway area.

After being told to leave the address, he started punching the window and kicking the door from the outside.

In addition to trying to instigate a fight with another male in the property, he threw a brick and then a bottle of vodka at a window.

Fortunately, both missed.

Witnesses described Howarth's behaviour as "scary," with one woman saying she feared he was about to hurt everyone at the property.

Howarth admitted to police afterwards that he'd been drunk.

The Leader:

David Matthews, defending, conceded his client had made himself "quite unwelcome" at the house party.

"He realises he doesn't have a problem with drink but he must be very careful going forward," he explained.

"He had too much vodka that evening and he is very sorry.

"He has lost friends as a result of his actions."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "This was an unpleasant incident.

"Too much vodka, bad behaviour and threats were made.

"Members of the family would have been fearful for their personal safety in their home."

Howarth received a £400 fine for the offence and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £160 victim surcharge.