Erlas Victorian Walled Garden in Wrexham has bagged almost £100,000 in funding for plans to improve a woodland area, benefitting the entire community.

The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) scheme, a partnership between The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Welsh Government, awarded the grant of £99,600 to the garden.

The money will be used to establish a woodland site, making it accessible to the public.

Without the grant, access to the woodland would be impossible.

The initiative allows for the woodland, now known as Erlas Woodland, to join the National Forest for Wales.

Funds from TWIG will enable extensive work in the area.

Current trees will be managed, new ones planted, and accessible pathways created to ensure inclusivity.

Beneficiaries, volunteers, groups in the area and community members as well as schools will take part in the project from the design to maintenance stages.

Stan Moore, chairperson, from Erlas Victorian Walled Garden said: "We are thrilled to have received this grant.

"Thanks to this support from the Welsh Government via the TWIG scheme, we can now develop our plans to manage the area and create the most wonderful accessible woodland for the benefit of all."

Aside from the woodlands, Erlas Victorian Walled Garden manages a heritage garden that grows vegetables, flowers, and fruit.

The National Forest for Wales is a Welsh Government-led initiative.

The venture aims to create a network of widely accessible woodlands and forests in Wales under high-quality management.

Part of its mission is to protect the environment while supporting the health and wellbeing of communities.


The majority of woodland is planted voluntarily by communities, farmers, and landowners across Wales.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales' vision is that heritage is greatly valued, taken care of, and sustained for all, both now and in the future, according to their strategic plan, Heritage 2033.

Over the coming decade, the fund aims to invest £3.6 billion to make a significant impact on people, places, and communities.

The intention is to connect people and communities to heritage via funded projects.

For more information, follow @HeritageFundUK on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram and use #HeritageFund #NationalForestWales.