A MAN has been spared jail after he admitted breaching a restraining order four times in a matter of months.

Tyler Lovell-Jones, of Ffordd Hiraethog in Maes Pennant, Mostyn, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 25-year-old admitted four counts of breaching a restraining order.

It had been made in November 2022 to prevent him from approaching a woman named Lauren Jones, as well as other named people.

Under the order, he was also prohibited from going within 300 metres of Ms Jones' home in Holywell.

But Rhian Jackson, prosecuting, told the court that on four occasions this year - March 28, June 14, July 9 and July 26 - Lovell-Jones was seen in breach of that order.

On each occasion, he was in the passenger seat of his partner's car and it was said he deliberately went within the boundary he was forbidden from entering.

In three of the breaches, the complainant herself saw him smiling and "smirking" at her from within the passing vehicle.

The final breach was seen and evidenced by a relative of the complainant.

When he was arrested and interviewed, Lovell-Jones confirmed he knew he was not allowed to contact the complainant, but said he wasn't aware of the true scale of the 300metre radius when shown it on a map.

The court heard Lovell-Jones had been made the subject of a two-year community order in November 2022, and had completed all of his unpaid work by October last year.

He'd also completed a building better relationships programme, a monitoring order and a thinking skills programmes.

A probation officer told the court his progress on the order had been "extremely good" and there had been "a significant change in his thinking."

Stephen Edwards, defending, told the court: "He accepts he was in his girlfriend's vehicle and they had impinged into the 300 metre exclusion zone.

"He pleads guilty on that basis, but he's made excellent progress.

"He's in employment, he has settled accommodation and he has financial responsibility for a child.

The Leader:

"I ask the court to look at the totality of the situation and the track record."

The defendant received a 12 week custodial sentence, suspended for 12 months.

He must carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and pay a £154 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.

Lovell-Jones was reminded that the three-year restraining order made by the court remained in place.