A MUM who had to be disarmed by her son after drunkenly slashing at her ex-husband with a knife has been spared jail.

Danuta Czajk, of Gerald Street in Wrexham, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Tuesday.

The 44-year-old had admitted one offence of making a threat to kill at an earlier hearing.

John Wyn Williams, prosecuting, told the court the victim in the case was the defendant's ex-husband, Grezegorz Czajka.

Just after midnight on March 11 this year, police received a call from the defendant - who claimed Mr Czajka was "drunk, abusive and trying to push her down the stairs."

But in reality, it was the defendant who had been drinking, for a few hours.

Mr Czajka, who had returned to the matrimonial home following divorce proceedings, was sleeping downstairs in the kitchen.

The defendant, a mum-of-three, had gone to make something to eat and started behaving aggressively towards him.

He asked her to leave him alone and went upstairs to continue sleeping.

But the defendant followed him, continuing to shout.

At one point, he pushed her to the shoulder - which caused her to fall onto the floor of the landing.

The Leader:

At that point, she "completely lost her temper," Mr Wyn Williams said, and started shouting: "I'm going to kill you."

Czajk went downstairs and returned with a knife, telling him: "I'll kill you, you motherf*****."

She moved towards him, "stabbing and slashing" at his stomach and making wide swings with the blade.

Her 18-year-old son stepped in and grabbed her arm, taking the knife off her.

Mr Wyn Williams said: "It was a fortunate intervention - the defendant had completely lost control at that stage.

"Given the damage to the t-shirt worn by the ex-partner, it may be regarded as fortunate she's not facing a far more serious charge."

Police arrived at the scene and arrested the defendant, as well as seizing a block of knives from the kitchen.

Patrick Geddes, defending, gave limited submissions to the court, given Judge Niclas Parry had received a pre-sentence report.

He said: "It's obviously out of character for this woman.

"It's an argument that started because of a difficult domestic setup.

"Divorce proceedings have been rumbling on for three years and the complainant is sleeping in the kitchen at the family home.

"It's not a good setup for anyone.

"She appreciates this is a serious matter and has been advised of the sentencing guidelines."

Judge Parry told the defendant: "An argument involving a drunk mother holding a knife - and an 18-year-old boy comes within millimetres of being cut to his chest.

"You may not have intended to injure anyone with that knife, but out of control of your senses because of drink, you could have caused a horrible ending to this incident."

Judge Parry concluded only a prison sentence could be justified, but with mitigating factors decided he was able to suspend the sentence.

As such, Czajk received a 12 month custodial term, suspended for 18 months.

She must undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activity and 120 hours of unpaid work.

A two year restraining order was imposed to protect the victim.