POLICE have praised the bravery of several young boys who came forward after being groomed and sexually abused by a taekwondo instructor from Wrexham.

The Leader reported on Monday how Glen Edwards, of Victoria Road was sentenced at Mold Crown Court for numerous sexual offences involving the eight children, as well as indecent image offences.

The 32-year-old had been convicted after trial on some of the offences, and had admitted several more at an earlier hearing.

Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "There was a significant disparity in age between you.

"And you have shown no remorse whatsoever. You continue to evidence no victim empathy.

"During this offending, you were also making images of serious sexual abuse of young boys by using the internet, if any evidence was required of your interest in such matters.

"And you continued doing that whilst on police bail.

"In mitigation, you pleaded guilty to the most serious offence.

"I give you credit - and you have pleaded guilty to other images matters.

"I bear in mind you have clearly been a dedicated, hard-working and accomplished athlete.

"You're now professionally ruined by virtue of these offences."

Edwards showed no emotion as the Judge jailed him for a total of six years and 10 months.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Vicky Bates, said: “Edwards is a manipulative sex offender who knew each of his victims were underage.

“Every child involved has been affected by his actions, with some suffering significant trauma.

“I’d like to acknowledge and praise the courage they have all shown in reporting what happened to them and for standing up against Edwards in court and bringing him to justice.

“I would encourage any victim of sexual abuse to come forward, safe in the knowledge that we will do everything in our power to pursue offenders.”

Edwards was made subject to the notification provisions as a sex offender for life, as well as a sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order to protect his eight victims - also for life.