A SUMMER playscheme is being "jeopardised" by a minority of children who have subjected staff and other attendees to "verbal and physical abuse".

Shotton Town Council issued a statement on the issues at the summer playscheme in the town.

The town council said talks were held on Monday about the issues to "consider the future" of the playscheme. It was decided that the playscheme will continue for the "time being" but the situation will be "re-evaluated" if the issues persist.


A spokesperson said: "Following instances of verbal and physical abuse/assault to both members of staff and other attendees of the Shotton summer playscheme, discussion will take place today to consider the future of the scheme for the remainder of the summer break.

"This is a free and valuable service provided for the children of your community and it is being jeopardised by the minority."

They added later on Monday: "Following discussions and actions taken, the playscheme will continue for the time being and the situation will be re-evaluated should more issues arise."