A WREXHAM man has lost his licence after he was caught drug-driving.

David Carroll, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday morning.

The 39-year-old admitted one offence of drug-driving, which happened on March 21 this year.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court police spoke with Carroll after spotting his vehicle had a defective brake light in Ruabon Road, Wrexham.

A smell of cannabis led to a roadside drugs test, which returned a positive result.

The defendant was taken to custody, where a blood sample was taken.

It revealed 121 microgrammes of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine breakdown product also known as BZE) per litre of blood; the limit being 50.

Mr Espie said an amount of cannabis not exceeding the legal limit was also found in the defendant's blood - and while it hadn't constituted a separate offence, the Court was entitled to take it into account when deciding on sentence.


He added that there was no suggestion of any impaired driving on the part of the defendant.

Andy Holliday, defending, told the court his client was "not a regular user" of cocaine.

He had taken it some days prior to being tested by police, he explained, which led to the BZE reading on the day of the offence.

"Yes there was also a trace amount of cannabis in his system but it was not over the limit," he said.

"He's a full-time carer in receipt of Universal Credit."

The court handed down a 12 month driving ban and fined the defendant £80.

He must also pay £85 costs and a £32 victim surcharge.