HOLYWELL Market has played host to its first Family Information Day, considered to be a roaring success by all.

Running alongside the market, the local community had the chance to speak to representatives from a large range of services, who could offer advice, signposting, training, educational, volunteering and employment opportunities.

At the event held on Thursday, July 25 there were hands on activities that children got involved with, courtesy of Outside Lives and Explore.

Alice Williams, Engagement and Progression Coordinator for Flintshire Council said: “This initially started as an event aimed at young adults at risk of falling into the NEET (Not in Employment Education or Training), category.

"However, what it’s progressed into, is something that will benefit the whole community.

“Having the chance to showcase aspects of support that are available to the community couldn’t be missed. There are people out there who wouldn’t have known where to look for the help that is available to them.

"Events like this support other community-based projects across the county and reach those who don’t access the internet”.

Dan Larkin, Community Focused Schools Manager / LEAP Project Manager added: “The response to this event has been fantastic."

Kayleigh Smith, Family Engagement Officer said: “To have so many services, charities and organisations attending, ensured there was something for all ages and I’d encourage all who can to attend the next event at Halkyn Castle Woods on August 14 to do so.

"It may not necessarily be for yourself but, a family member or friend who may need that bit
of help.

“After an initial call with Alice, it was obvious the marketplace was an ideal host location and it’s been a great project to be a part of. Having more space and the gazebos at hand meant we could also accommodate more services than we could at the indoor events.


The importance of the social aspect of the marketplace is often forgotten about and I’d like to see them used more for events like this”.

Holywell Mayor Linda Corbett said: "It was great news that the family information day was being held in Holywell and attended the event.

"The Mayor encouraged as many residents as possible to attend and increase their awareness of the services available. The Mayor also commented that as it was so successful regular events of this nature should be considered in the future.