A PHARMACIST has lost his licence after being caught speeding in his sports car twice in two days.

Aqib Sheikh, of Wannock Gardens in Hainault, Ilford, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 32-year-old admitted two offences of speeding, both of which happened on the A483 in Wrexham, where the speed limit was 50mph.

Shaun Bartlett-Evans, prosecuting, told the court the offences happened on November 21 and 22, when Sheikh was clocked on the average speed system at 72mph and 71mph respectively.

On both occasions, he was driving a Jaguar F-Type V6 auto, Mr Bartlett-Evans said.

The court was told the defendant already had six points on his licence - and reaching 12 would mean automatic disqualification.

Defending himself at the hearing, Sheikh advanced an application to keep his licence, arguing his case that a ban would result in "exceptional hardship" for himself or others.

He told the court he works as a pharmacist and has children.


Sheikh explained he needed his licence to support his father in getting to and from hospital appointments.

But he admitted that in the past he had hired a driver to take him when he wasn't able to, and that as a worst case scenario a taxi could be used.

In mitigation, he told the court: "I have never speeded, I've always been cautious."

The Magistrates decided that Sheikh's reasons did not meet the test for exceptional hardship and opted to ban him for six months.

He received a fine of £666 on each of the two speeding offences and must pay a £533 victim surcharge, as well as £220 costs, bringing the total payable to the court to £2,085.

The Leader:

The defendant said he believed the court's finding was "harsh," having sat in on the hearing prior to his and heard how the court dealt with another speeder - who was not banned for driving at a higher speed.

But he was reminded his circumstances were completely different and he'd started with six points on his licence in any event.

"Thank you guys," Sheikh told the court as he left.

"I'll have to get a driver now."