WE HAVE enjoyed a trip down memory lane with readers this week, as we took them back to their school days.

Some teachers all across north Wales and beyond have a unique ability to influence and shape the future generations.

And that certainly seems to have been the case when it comes to our Leader readers.

When asked this week; "Who was your favourite teacher when you were in school?", over 100 of you got in touch to share words of thanks for their hard work.

Here are some of the best comments we received under our Facebook post...

Alison George said: "Paul Schleising on his first year out as a teacher at Buckley C.P. school, who went on to be a head teacher, then Noel Kerfoot Owen at the Elfed, he was a total legend."

(Image: staff)

Phil Pugh said: "David Hansen, teacher at Acton Park. I left in 1991. Inspirational and gave us so many sporting opportunities and gave up so much of his time. Still in contact now."

Samantha Hon told us: "Mrs McDonough and Mr Humphrey’s from Bryn Offa 1995-2000 there was a math teacher Mrs MJ Jones but she retired about 1997. Mr Stewart Roberts, maths teacher was a God send in my last year, took so much time to help me."

Ricky Blackwell wrote: "Mrs Roberts, Castell Alun Biology teacher. Always had a brew and when we asked her why we weren't allowed one, she said you bring your own cup and I'll do you one. Few days later, and in we turned up with cups (all the "naughty" kids) but she always got the best out of us by treating you like a person."

Chris Murphy said: "Julie Wyatt Brown in Yale Crispin Lane was very forgiving and helped me a lot. I was more interested in going to The Turf..."

Beth Parry added: "Mr Reed in Saint Joseph's. Nutty as a fruitcake but nice!"

Phil Roberts said: "Dr Dickey Davis, aka Dickey sink. Absolute legend, only teacher who recognised me to be clever! Taught my mother, me, and my daughter who attended his leaving do."


Bev Morgan Griffiths said: "Mr McGivern and Mr Ratcliffe - Darland 1980-1985."

Deidre Keddie added: "Sister Salome who taught French at the convent school in Wrexham."

RJT Lewis said: "A teaching assistant called Wynn Roberts who sadly passed away a few years ago."

Jess Lloyd said: "Mrs Chandler, maths teacher from Darland, rest in peace. Mrs Jones RS teacher and Miss Cairns French teacher also from Darland."