READERS have been getting in touch with us to share their experiences of travelling along north Wales' 20mph roads.

The majority of residential roads throughout Wales changed from being 30mph to 20mph last September.

This was, according to the Welsh Government, to help 'save lives'.

But, the move has been heavily criticised by members of the public, politicians and more since it was introduced.

An 'engagement process' was launched in January of this year between North Wales Police, GoSafe and other relevant authorities to ensure drivers were sticking to the new limit.

Since then, thousands of drivers have been caught exceeding the speed limit.

From September, councils can apply for funding to revert roads back to 30mph.

But, just last week, North Wales MS Sam Rowlands branded the speed limits a 'complete and utter shambles' fearing the Welsh Government so called listening campaign will lead to hardly any roads being reverted back to 30mph.

Since then, Leader readers have been getting in touch with us to share their experiences of driving at 20mph in the north Wales area.

Joanne Golby, who lives in Wrexham, said: "Cefn Road is a nightmare doing 20, I have got people overtaking me."


Bryan Pritchard said: "Not happy driving at 20 mph but rules are rules. Last week, I slowed down to enter the 20 mph zone entering Wrexham on the Ruthin Road when a white works van overtook me doing at least 40 mph. This was in the 20mph zone."

Colin Roberts added: "Llay New Road is the best - all the doo-gooders doing 20mph in the 20mph area then when it changes to 30mph they all speed up. So, what's the point? If you can do 20mph why can't you stick to the other speed limits?"

Others got in touch to give us their views on the scheme itself.

Simon Cartwright said: "Silly waste of money when education, health and other budgets being cut."

Stuart Clarke said: "What an absolute joke! Our money being wasted left right and centre . They should have consulted the public first time around."

Ian Courtaney-Wyllie said: "Where are the old signs? Just give them back out again."

Tina Lee, who runs the 'Conwy County Residents Say No To 20mph Limits' group said: "Just ask the half million people who signed the petition. More money wasted. We don't want it, just put it back to 30 mph."

Dion Jones told us: "Most places were OK at 30, only needs to be down to 20 for schools, hospitals, places like that."