A NORTH Wales firefighter is taking on a swimming challenge to raise vital funds for life-saving equipment.

Alex Roberts from Green Watch Wrexham Fire Station is set to swim the entire length of Bala Lake, a total of 3.5 miles, to raise funds for Smokey Paws.

Buddi next to a pet rescue kit donated by Smokey PawsBuddi next to a pet rescue kit donated by Smokey Paws (Image: Andy Williams)

The charity donated animal resuscitation kits to Wrexham Fire Station three-years-ago which have been saving the lives of pets during emergencies ever since. The masks are designed to fit over an animal's nose and mouth to deliver an efficient flow of oxygen during a fire. 

See the Go Fund Me page here.

The challenge, taking place on Saturday, July 27  is in memory of Buddi, a one-of-a-kind fury friend to former Wrexham Mayor Andy Williams.

After being taken into the family home nine-years-ago, Buddi's natural and remarkable ability to comfort others was recognised almost immediately.

Buddi brought joy and comfort to many across WrexhamBuddi brought joy and comfort to many across Wrexham (Image: Andy Williams)

Laying his head gently to the side of a person's injury, or where they were feeling pain, the family knew he'd make an incredible therapy dog. It was then that Andy applied to the Pets as Therapy charity. 

Together, Andy and Buddi set out visiting patients at Nightingale House Hospice where Buddi would sit with cancer patients and visit the Day Care Unit to comfort people.

Later, their visits took them to Wrexham Maelor Hospital and Alder Hey where the pair would make calls sometimes twice a week. Buddi was given an all-access hospital pass allowing him to go into the theatre recovery room, intensive care and children's wards. 

Former Mayor of Wrexham Andy Williams with Buddi at Wrexham Fire StationFormer Mayor of Wrexham Andy Williams with Buddi at Wrexham Fire Station (Image: Andy Williams)

His calm and friendly presence provided a much welcomed distraction to the stressful nature of the staff's work, as well as comforting the patients. It wasn't long before Buddi was filmed for various BBC and ITV programmes including BBC1's Children's Ward.

As well as hospital visits, Buddi and Andy have done a lot of work in the Wrexham community, treating dog phobias, visiting gyms and students in Coleg Cambira.


However, sadly in March this year, therapy dog Buddi passed away after sharing goodbye's with his wonderful family. He received hundreds of messages of sympathy across social media from followers, even some as far as New Zealand.

Since Buddi's passing, Andy and the family have remained determined to raise funds to equip all fire engines in the region with the vital equipment. 

Currently, only three north Wales fire engines have a Smokey Paws kit. Alex will brave the cold waters with the goal to secure 60 kits, one for every rescue pump in the region, each costing £95.