POLICE have issued a warning to youths over anti-social behaviour reports they have received from a Flintshire retail park.

North Wales Police say they have 'seen an increase' in the number of staff members of shops being abused by youths at Flint retail park.

Officers add that the behaviour 'will not be tolerated' and will be 'dealt with'.

The force added that patrols will be stepped up in the area over the summer holidays in order to deter such incidents from taking place.


PCSO Tom Hulse of the NWP North Flintshire team said: "We have seen an increase in antisocial behaviour on the retail park in Flint over the last few weeks involving groups of youths being abusive towards members of staff in shops.

"This behaviour will not be tolerated and those involved will be dealt with.

"We are working with the stores on the park and our partner agencies to identify those involved.

"With the summer holidays starting there will be an increase in visibility in the area to tackle these issues. If you witness any incidents please report them."