As tourist season begins, Crimestoppers is urging everyone visiting Wales to speak up about rural crime.

In a bid to protect the Welsh countryside, the charity has started a new campaign encouraging citizens to report those responsible for damaging the environment.

The call has been made as the influx of visitors during the international tourist season can raise the risk of criminal activity.

Although crime in rural areas is typically less compared to urban areas, the impact within a rural community can be deeply felt both by the victims and the environment.

Crimestoppers, which operates independently from the police, is encouraging the public to vigilantly spot signs of rural crime and provide them information anonymously.

The charity stresses that they do not ask for personal details but solely what the individual knows about the crime.


Between April and June of this year, Crimestoppers in Wales saw a 10 per cent rise in crime-related information received compared to the same period last year.

This indicates that increasing numbers of people are placing their trust in the charity.

This led to the passing on of more than 10,000 crime reports to the police and other law enforcement agencies.

The rural areas in Wales have seen a variety of crimes including burglary, theft of farm equipment, dog attacks on livestock, illegal waste dumping, drug gangs, hare coursing and badger baiting, fuel theft, illegal metal detecting, and wildlife crime.

Hayley Fry, National Wales manager for Crimestoppers, said: "Our charity is very aware of how damaging crime in the countryside can be to families, communities, rural businesses, farmers, wildlife and the local environment.

"We hear from people every day who tell us about those involved in theft, fly-tipping, drug and wildlife crime.

"By telling Crimestoppers anonymously what you know whether you live in or are visiting a rural area, together we can make all the difference."

Crimestoppers has made it easy to report rural crime anonymously.

Anyone can visit their website and fill in a secure online form or call their 24/7 UK Contact Centre 365 days of the year 0800 555 111, 365.

In case of an emergency, callers are advised to dial 999.