Patients and staff at Wrexham's Nightingale House recently welcomed therapy dogs to the hospice.

Syve, Finn, Bailey, and George, well-trained therapy dogs, had a big fuss from the hospice's wellbeing programme patients.

Debra Foden, a volunteer with Pets as Therapy, brought along Bailey, a four-year-old gentle giant Bernese Mountain dog.

She said: "Bailey always makes people smile and wherever I take her people will always make a fuss of her.

"She is a big dog but she is a gentle giant and she loves the fuss and attention.


"You see people's faces light when they see her and it's lovely to see."

Lesley Fay and therapy dog George  (Image: Nightingale House Hospice)

Therapy dogs of all breeds and their volunteer owners have been regular visitors to the hospice for many years.

Carolyn James, Nightingale House Hospice wellbeing lead, acknowledged this saying: "We love welcoming therapy dogs to the hospice.

"They bring a huge amount of warmth and comfort to everyone here and patients love finding out about them and how they are trained.

"They make everyone's day a little brighter and it's lovely to see the smiles on patients' faces and hearing them share stories about their own pets."