A WREXHAM teenager who turned to drug dealing as a way of clearing his own debt has been sentenced.

Thomas Murphy, of Ffordd Garmonydd, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday, July 18.

At a previous hearing held on June 24, the 19-year-old had pleaded guilty to:

  • Being concerned in the offer to supply ecstasy
  • Being concerned in supply cannabis
  • Being concerned in offer to supply cocaine
  • Being concerned in offer to supply ketamine 
  • Acquire/possess criminal property (An axe, a knife and machetes)

Rosemary Proctor, prosecuting, said that the offending took place between December 2022 and June 2023.

North Wales Police were initially called to Murphy's address at around 7.15pm on January 4 of last year. He was not at home, but his mother was, the court heard.

During a search of the defendant's home, officers discovered £6,300 in cash, as well as drug paraphernalia, mobile phones and 'several weapons' including an axe and a knife.

His mother had found a machete under his bed, the court heard, but she added she 'did not know anything' about any of the items seized.


Murphy was released under investigation, however, when police analysed his bank statements on phone devices they seized, they discovered that transactions worth around £8,344.50 had taken place in the space of around eight months.

As such, they returned to Murphy's address with a search warrant at 9pm on June 29 of last year.

This time, police discovered and seized more weapons, including machetes, as well as further drugs and cash, some scales and mobile phones which showed evidence of drugs supply.

In all, officers seized:

  • Around £2,060 in cash
  • Cannabis worth an estimated street value of £238-£330
  • Cannabis worth an estimated street value of £1,300-£1,830
  • MDMA (ecstasy) worth an estimated street value of £1,100-£2,650
  • MDMA (ecstasy) worth an estimated street value of £800-£1,760
  • Cocaine and ketamine worth an estimated street value of £700-£1,162

A total of 477g of cannabis was seized, as well as 40.49 of MDMA, 456 MDMA tablets, 24.68g of ketamine, 24.67g of cocaine and a 16.3g MDMA/ketamine exhibit. 

Officers also discovered Benzocaine - which is not unlawful, but is often used as a 'cutting agent' in drug supply.

Scales found also showed traces of drug use, Ms Proctor told the court.

At interview, Murphy accepted that he had made money from selling drugs, but insisted that he had been told to 'hold' the cash found at the address.

He was also on a community order at the time of the offending, the court heard. That was following a 12-month suspended sentence imposed upon in September 2022 for possession of a knife and cannabis.

(Image: NQ) PIC: Murphy was sentenced at Mold Crown Court.

Nicholas Williams, defending, said that Murphy had become embroiled in drug supply off the back of his own 'heavy use' of cannabis.

He added that the defendant had 'run up a debt' through his own habit, having become 'wholly reliant' on the drug to try and 'regulate' his ADHD, depression and autism.

Mr Williams argued that there was a 'realistic prospect of rehabilitation' for Murphy, whose mother was in court supporting him.

But Judge Rhys Rowlands disagreed and added that the defendant's 'repeated behaviour' was a 'major aggravating feature' in this case.

The Judge added: "This clearly went beyond simply needing to fund your own habit."

Murphy was sentenced to 21 months detention in a Young Offenders Institute for the MDMA/ecstasy and cocaine offences.

He faced no further separate penalties for the cannabis or ketamine charges, nor for the possession of criminal property.

A forfeiture and destruction order was made for the cash Murphy had made as a result of his dealing.