A MAN who "terrorised" and assaulted his partner in her home has been spared jail.

Bailey Geddes, of no fixed abode, was produced in custody at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday for sentence.

The 22-year-old had previously admitted two counts of criminal damage, one of common assault and one of assault by beating.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that all four offences took place this year and concerned the same victim; his then partner Grace Elizabeth Hull.

On March 21, the victim was visited at her Wrexham home by her sister, who witnessed the first of the incidents.

She noticed the victim had visible cuts to her nose, as well as bruising, which she confirmed had been done by Geddes.


The witness heard banging from within the home as the defendant 'smashed up' items, following which she called 999.

He was also seen dragging his victim around by the hair.

When officers attended, they found the living room at the property "ransacked," with items thrown around and damaged.

Whilst on bail on July 4, Geddes called the police himself, telling them he had "nowhere to go" and was breaching his bail on purpose in order to get himself arrested.

Officers arrived at the victim's home to find him outside, hitting the front door.

The victim told police that the day prior, Geddes had gripped her by the face, causing bruising and causing her to fall back.

After locking himself in the front room at her property, he came out and "went straight at her."

Ms Hull feared she was about to be assaulted again and picked up a knife in the kitchen - holding it to keep him away.

But it didn't work.

Geddes took the blade and was described thereafter as "terrorising her for 20 minutes."

He then slapped the victim to the face and poked her in the cheek - leaving marks on her face with his fingernails.

After that, everything was "calm," and Geddes apologised.

He stayed overnight, but an argument the next day led to the scene police encountered, with him outside hitting the front door.

A probation officer told the court Geddes admitted to losing his temper during the commission of the offences.

"He fully understands what he did was wrong," the officer added.

The court heard Geddes and Ms Hull are expecting a baby in 2025.

The Leader:

Bethan Jones, defending, told the court it was clear that the victim and defendant wished to reconcile, given the pregnancy.

She asked the court to consider stepping back from immediate custody, commending the "realistic" recommendations put forward by the probation service of rehabilitation activity and unpaid work.

The court heard Geddes had shown "genuine remorse" for his offending and represented a "realistic prospect of rehabilitation."

Geddes received an overall sentence of 20 weeks custody, suspended for 18 months.

He must undertake up to 50 days of rehabilitation work to address anger management and other domestic-related subjects, as well as 180 hours of unpaid work.

The defendant must also pay a £154 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

It was decided that as the parties intended to rekindle the relationship, compensation for the assaults would not be appropriate as to do so could lead to further issues.

Nor was compensation awarded for the criminal damage as the monetary value had not been quantified.