PLAY areas across Mold have recently been targeted by vandals, causing costly damage and leaving children with no safe outdoor areas in which to play.

St Mary's, Ffordd Pentre and Glas Lane play areas have all been vandalised, which has led to the Fford PEntre play area being locked at night by a volunteer, in a bid to prevent further vandalism. 

St Mary's play area near Bryn Coch has only recently been reopened after a temporary closure due to the surface being ripped up, causing a tripping hazard.

Vandalism at Ffordd Pentre play area (Image: Mold Town Council)

Anti-social behaviour is also a cause for concern in Gas Lane.

Richard Roberts from Aura Leisure and Libraries said: “The youth gatherings have caused damage on numerous times in Gas Lane play area, teenagers gather and leave a lot of litter and this can be a reason parents and carers are put off from using the play area. I fully support more patrols in these areas.”

Local residents have expressed concerns on social media, stating that their children have nowhere safe to play and often feel intimidated by large groups of older youths.


Mold Mayor Councillor Brian Lloyd expressed his disappointment at the situation.

He said: "...the way things are going with funding, other damaged items in these play areas might not be replaced in the future if this carries on.”

Mold Town Council would like to encourage anyone who witnesses vandalism, or anti-social behaviour in play areas to contact North Wales Police on 101, by going to the  Police Station on Kings Street or contacting Crime Stoppers anonymously on