A MAN stabbed a friend in the chest with a large kitchen knife after wrongly believing he'd spoken to police about him.

Nathan Jones, of Wern Ucha in Bagillt, appeared at Llandudno Magistrates Court for sentencing on Tuesday morning.

The 49-year-old had been convicted of wounding at a previous hearing.

Laura Knightly, prosecuting, told the court that on May 8 this year, police were called regarding a "stabbing" in Bagillt.

The caller said she'd been passing through the area when the victim - Mark Probert - had come out of an address asking for help, saying he'd been stabbed in the leg and chest.

During the call, a person could be heard shouting "snitches get stitches."

When officers arrived, Mr Probert was found bleeding on a bench nearby and was airlifted to Stoke Hospital.

The victim had been friends with the defendant for some 20 years, and the night before the incident they had both been staying at a friend's address in Bagillt.

They'd been drinking and things were normal for a time - but after more drinks, Jones "got a bit weird," and accused Mr Probert of giving information to police about an alleged incident involving him.

On the morning of May 8, Mr Probert woke with the defendant asking him for tobacco.
He told the defendant to "f*** off," which Jones took exception to.

Jones left the room and came back with a large kitchen knife, before stabbing the victim as he lay in bed.


Mr Probert tried to protect himself, but received a 3cm laceration to his left calf and a puncture wound to the chest, which collapsed his lung.

Following some sightings of him throughout the day, Jones attended Rhyl Police Station and handed himself in just after 4pm, asking if the victim was dead.

He told officers the victim's response to his request for tobacco had made him angry, and a "red mist" had descended.

Nathan Jones (NWP)Nathan Jones (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) Jones recalled saying "have that you grassing c***" during the attack, claiming he heard "white noise" throughout.

He claimed it was not a pre-meditated attack.

Mr Probert was discharged from Stoke Hospital on May 10.

He said the stab wound made breathing difficult and his leg felt like it was "exploding" if moved the wrong way.

In his victim impact statement, he said the incident left him thinking about a number of "what if's."

Elen Owen, defending, told the court: "He was very open with the police and the author of the pre-sentence report.

"He has given a description of his actions on the day - he fully admits losing control.

"He said he saw this red mist and was blinded by anger.

"Mr Jones wants to apologise to Mr Probert. 

"He'd taken alcohol to excess."

Ms Owen said her client had tried his best during his probation interview to "reason in his own mind why he did it."

The Leader:

She described him as a "hard working man" who has always been in employment and referred the court to a number of good character references.

Judge Timothy Petts told the defendant: "I've seen the photo of the large kitchen knife you took to the bedroom to stab him with.

"Your motive was punishment as you wrongly believed he spoke to police about an earlier incident.

"And you have admitted intending to cause him really serious harm."

The Judge handed down a total custodial sentence of three-and-a-half years.