A MAN has been spared jail for abuse and accusations of paedophilia in the street after drinking.

Brandon Robinson, of Mill Lane in Buckley, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Monday.

The 25-year-old had admitted offences of threatening behaviour, committed in Shotton, and criminal damage at Llay during a previous hearing.

Rosemary Proctor, prosecuting, told the court that on July 20 last year, Robinson was sentenced for one offence of wounding - for which he received a two year custodial sentence, suspended for two years.

His latest offences put him in breach of that sentence.

On June 9 this year, police encountered Robinson leaving a kebab shop with a friend.

The defendant shouted that his friend was "a paedophile" and told the police to lock him up.

The Leader:

When the officer told Robinson not to shout such comments in the street, the defendant approached and called him a paedophile too.

He went on to tell the officer to "f*** off," and called him a "d*** head."

Robinson was arrested to prevent a breach of the peace and was placed in a police vehicle cell.

The plan at that point was to drive him home, but the defendant's abusive behaviour continued in the vehicle and saw him spit at the window of the cell.

As such, he was conveyed to custody.

Sarah Badrawy, defending, told the court: "Clearly the main issue is the breach of the suspended sentence.

"He entered his guilty pleas at the earliest opportunity.

"He is deeply ashamed of his behaviour and wishes to wholeheartedly apologise to the court and to the constable.

"His behaviour began as what he perceived to be a joke - but now that he's sober, in the cold light of day, he acknowledges it wasn't a joke.

"It was ill-advised and it escalated because he had been drinking.

"He recognises drink is the problem and has been for some time now.

"He has not had a drink since this incident and is trying to abstain but he needs help."


Judge Nicola Saffman handed down a fine of £100 for each of the new offences and opted not to activate the suspended sentence.

Instead, the defendant  must undergo a 120 day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement and pay £420 costs, as well as an £80 victim surcharge.

The Judge told him: "The police put you in the vehicle to defuse the situation and the matter could have ended there.

"I think you accept, you behaved like a complete idiot next.

"This whole episode, which could have ended in you getting a lift home from the police, has cost you £700.

"That was an expensive night out, wasn't it?"