TO celebrate the culmination of their five years together, 114 Year 11 students at a Flintshire high school were joined by parents, family, staff and governors for their Record of Achievement ceremony before setting off for their prom.

Clare Millington, headteacher at Flint High School, welcomed Year 11 students, parents, carers, staff, governors, guests to the ceremony. She thanked all staff for their dedication to this year group, known as The Mosaic Year, and to the families for all their support and encouragement.

After commenting on how stunning all the students looked, Mrs Millington spoke about their time at Flint High, how far they had all come and how education isn't just a destination, it's a journey. She said: "We are incredibly proud of the way you have faced the challenge of your GCSE exams. The last five years have passed in a whirlwind, but we have all been there for each other through happy times and sad times, and we have always wanted the best for you. Along the way you have made friendships that will go on for years, treat them always with respect and be kind to each other.


Year 11 Flint High School prom 2024 at Clawdd Offa Farm.

Year 11 Flint High School prom 2024 at Clawdd Offa Farm.


"The next exciting chapter in your lives is about to start. It's a big world so be confident, be courageous, be resilient and be successful. We wish you every success for the future and thank you for leaving us with wonderful memories."

Future Leader, Asha Stevens, and Deputy Future Leader, Magdalena Kryszczuk, gave a speech thanking their parents and all the teachers and staff for their help and support throughout their high school years, and how Flint High has helped to make them the people they are today. They also gave special thanks to Angela Chatfield, their Year 11 learning manager, for everything she has done for them.

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Musical performances throughout the ceremony included the song Dakota, performed by Nathan Burrows, Liam Williams and Harvey Gittins.

Mrs Chatfield addressed her year group: "This year group has been aptly named The Mosaic Year; mosaic art is a design of small, beautiful pieces that creates a rainbow of colour, and this is the masterpiece that we can see before us tonight, Year 11.


Year 11 Flint High School prom 2024 at Clawdd Offa Farm.

Year 11 Flint High School prom 2024 at Clawdd Offa Farm.


"You have all shown great resilience, maturity, and your many varied and incredible talents have been a delight to behold. You have all thrived, and you are capable of anything; you have a bright future ahead.

"Grasp every opportunity presented to you, and I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world."

Guest speaker, Nadine Beck, a former Flint High School student who left in 2018 has returned to the school as a tutor on the LLS course. Having come full circle from student to teacher, she is now training and inspiring the next generation of Flint High students.

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She said: "If there's one message I want to leave you with tonight, it's this: Embrace your passions and trust in your abilities. Challenges will come, but they are stepping stones to growth and success. Seek out opportunities, remain resilient, and never underestimate the power of your dreams."

Family members watched with pride as students were presented with Record of Achievement Certificates acknowledging their successes whilst at Flint High.

Following the ceremony, the students headed off to Clawdd Offa Farm to continue celebrating at their prom.