A STALKER who bombarded his wife with unwanted messages has had eight weeks knocked off his jail term.

Jamie Gudger, of Coast Road in Mostyn, was jailed in June for one offence of stalking without fear, alarm or distress.

The 39-year-old's victim was his wife, Sarah Gudger.

Mrs Gudger described their relationship as "up and down," and "toxic."

The relationship ended after a holiday in March this year, and between April 28 and May 24, he made many unwanted attempts to speak with and contact her.

If she didn't respond straight away, he'd ask why - and would then change to Facebook, text and calling her.

Gudger had been in court for the same type of offending in December 2022, for which he received a one year custodial term, suspended for 18 months.

His latest stalking put him in breach of that order, and in sentencing him, District Judge Gwyn Jones activated the 12 month suspended sentence in full, as well as handing down an additional 16 weeks for the new offence, making a total of 68 weeks in prison.

Gudger appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court on Friday to appeal the sentence.

The court heard that the defendant's suspended sentence had included a building better relationships programme, which he had completed.

He'd also attended more than 30 probation appointments as part of that sentence.

As such, the Crown Court was asked to consider whether the defendant should be given any discount in the number of weeks activated from the breached suspended sentence.

Jamie Gudger (NWP)Jamie Gudger (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police)

Andrew Holliday, defending, told the court: "I ask the court to take consideration of the length of time he was on that order and completed those components."

Judge Timothy Petts told the defendant: "You reconciled with your wife, then the relationship ended.

"She didn't want any more contact, but messages followed.

"The prosecution accept those messages were not abusive, but they were unwanted.

"You were bailed and continued in breach of that bail.

"The issue is, should anything have been given off your sentence when activating the suspended sentence to reflect what you'd done under the order?

"You had completed the building better relationships programme, but when push came to shove you didn't learn the lessons from it and carried on even after you had been arrested and bailed.

"There should be some reduction, but not much."

Judge Petts announced that the period activated from the breached suspended sentence is now 44 weeks, with the rest of the sentence remaining as it was.

As a result, Gudger's overall sentence was reduced by eight weeks, to a total of 60 weeks.