Flintshire County Council is taking steps to ensure residents are not left behind in an increasingly digital world.

The council has established its own 'Digital Squad', made up of trained staff members who host free Digital Surgeries across the county.

Among the many who have benefited from this initiative are Lord Barry and his wife, Lady Janet.

Digital Squad member Ryan McCale helped the couple connect to the internet and use a mobile phone to send messages.

Lord Barry said: "I needed to learn the basics of getting online and being able to get that help on my doorstep is wonderful.

"The Digital Squad are kind, supportive and patient and I am grateful for their passion to help people with limited digital skills like me.

"They offer free digital support in local communities and I urge anyone who needs a helping hand to see what they can offer. It really is a fantastic service. I look forward to working with them again in the future to develop my digital skills."

Councillor Linda Thomas, cabinet member for corporate services, echoed Lord Barry’s sentiments, crediting the Digital Squad for facilitating access to essential services in today's increasingly digital world.


She said: "I am delighted that our Digital Surgeries are being championed by Lord Barry.

"It is so important that residents receive the support they need to access services in today’s digital world, and our Digital Squad are here to help.

“I echo Lord Barry’s comments and encourage everyone who needs support to get involved.”

Residents in need of digital support are advised to check Flintshire County Council’s Digital Hub.

You can also follow Flintshire County Council on Facebook to stay connected.