VISITORS at Gresford Eyecare were rubbing shoulders with the world-renowned Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes this week.

Sir Ranulph visited the opticians to be fitted with new Starkey Genesis AI hearing aids by Hearbrite partner Rachel Hatt and had a check-up with Optometrist Michael Ward.

The one-of-a-kind visit took place after Sir Ranulph met Rachel at a business conference. Their conversation resulted in him visiting for a hearing aid - and an eye test!

Sir Ranulph’s list of ambitious endeavours includes many record-breaking achievements.

He was the first to reach both Poles, cross the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans, and circumnavigate the world along its polar axis. He also ran 7 marathons in 7 continents in 7 days and scaled Mount Everest.

Optometrist Michael Ward with & Sir Ranulph FiennesOptometrist Michael Ward with & Sir Ranulph Fiennes (Image: Lle Hapus Wrexham)

Speaking after the fitting at Gresford Eyecare, he said: “My hearing is now excellent and I feel so much more confident delivering my talks.

"I’m extremely grateful to both Starkey and Rachel Hatt and Hearbrite Hearing Care for providing my hearing care."


A spokesperson for Gresford Eyecare Partners said: “We’re honoured to have such an esteemed guest visit our unit for a Starkey Genesis AI hearing aid fitting.

"All customers and staff were buzzing with excitement by the visit of such a famous explorer.

"We are happy that he has experienced the excellent care, all our visitors have become accustomed to."